Check out the Top 10 Intelligent Dog Breeds

2 mins read

There are many intelligent dog breeds. When it comes to dog breeds, intelligence comes in various forms! Trainability, or the ability to understand and reliably obey orders, is one sort of intelligence frequently linked with dogs. Other types of intelligence exist, such as social intelligence, which is the ability to play pleasantly with other canines and get along in groups. Another characteristic is clever ability, which allows a dog to achieve what they want before their pet parent notices. While all dogs are bright, these intelligent dog breeds are brilliant in more than one way.

Intelligent Dog Breeds

1. The Golden Retriever

Intelligent Dog Breeds
The Golden Retriever

While practically every list of the brightest dog breeds ranks the Border collie first, all praises to the Golden Retriever. This breed combines excellent trainability with innate social genius, allowing them to get along with other dogs, humans, and even the household cat. Calm and stable, Goldens utilize their brains in ways that make the entire family adore them. It’s no coincidence that Goldens consistently outperform all other breeds in obedience training.

2. Poodle


The Poodle shines with brightness. This clever dog breed can unlock doors, scale fences, and help your middle schooler with schoolwork. (Okay, maybe that last one is a reach.) The three varieties—Toy, Miniature, and Standard—are all fairly intelligent, but the Standard is the best. Poodles thrive in a wide range of duties, from trotting off to victory at Westminster to competing in agility contests.

3. Shetland Sheepdog

Shetland Sheepdog

The Shetland sheepdog excels at advanced obedience, agility, and interactive dog games. These dogs also have a sweet, sensitive temperament that allows them to be extremely attentive to their pet parents.

4. Border Collie

Border Collie
Border Collie

Border Collies are among the most intellectual canines in terms of reasoning, problem solving, and brainpower. They can remember the names of hundreds, if not thousands, of things and grasp complex directions quite well. Their sole disadvantage is that their herding drive might be activated by the presence of youngsters or other pets. This breed may not be for you unless you are certain you are smarter than a Border collie.

5. German Shepherd

German Shepherd

German Shepherds are not only clever dogs, but they are also workaholics that thrive on vital tasks. This is the first do-it-all dog, capable of anything from guarding to guiding the blind to herding ducks. There isn’t anything a German shepherd can’t accomplish, and their trainability is unrivaled.

6. Labrador Retriever

Labrador Retriever
Labrador Retriever

The Labrador retriever is similar to the Golden Retriever but goofier. Whether you want a champion hunting partner or an obedience dog, America’s most popular dog breed has a heart for everyone—and a brain to match!

7. Australian Cattle Dog

Australian Cattle Dog

The Australian Cattle Dog is a watchful breed with a keen brain. The Cattle Dog’s initial breed standard was based on the dingo, Australia’s native wild dog, and it shares the dingo’s acute, cunning intellect. They are very territorial and unfriendly to strangers.

8. Doberman Pinscher

Doberman Pinscher
Doberman Pinscher

Dobermans are intelligent and easy to teach, and they are devoted to their owners. Members of this very intelligent dog breed are capable of outwitting their pet owners, so be strong in your commands.

9. Papillon


The Papillon combines beauty and intelligence in a small, gleaming compact. These dogs are so tuned in to their relationships that many Papillon owners believe their pups can read minds. Papillons are also keen observers of their surroundings, and their intelligence and stamina combine to make them the best agility dog in their small group.

10. Rottweiler

Rottweiler – Image Credit

The solemn, loyal Rottweiler is a herding dog as well as a security dog, integrating various types of intellect in one great package. While Rottweilers are not as nimble as the majority of the other breeds on our list, they make up for it with their intimidating bulk and even more formidable intellect.

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